Let go and 4 lessons

Have you ever felt the pain to let go few things, people, experiences. It's like you will lose who you are and what you are if you let go. As if those things define you and if you let go , u lose everything you have . Let go things, people and experiences n everytime you do so you welcome 4 important lessons of life.
1. Welcome new- Every time you let go things, you are making place new things to come to your life . You cannot fill a already filled cup. It will over pour. So empty it, so that beautiful things can find its place in your life . 
2. Forgive yourself- they say it's tough to forgive others, but I feel the toughest part is to forgive yourself. Things go wrong sometimes and sometimes you cannot do anything about it . So let go, forgive yourself and move on . It might sound simple as you read but it's the most difficult part. Most of us continue punishing ourselves for the mistakes we have done in past, that effect our future. You did what you thought was best at that point, for that situation. Today is a different scenario. Forgive yourself n move on.
3. Let it heal- a would heals only if you stop touching it. So stop thinking about it what's done n gone . It felt bad n hurtful in the past. Thinking about how it felt over n over again will not reduce the pain or hurt. So stop thinking about it and everytime ,the thought or feeling comes. Stop it n tell to yourself . I am not thinking about it, as it does not matter today. Past should remain in past n should not decide your present to effect your future..
4.learn the lesson- every situation, person or feeling is teaching you a lesson of life. Observe carefully and learn. Learn the lesson out of the pain but don't nurture the pain . If you learn the lesson you will b in a position to avoid the pain in future. But if you nurture the pain ,it will never leave you . Understand the difference and be wise. If situation breaks you down , learn the lesson, it will make you strong for future. Feel it but don't make it a part of your life. Let the lesson b learnt and feeling be faded.
No body says life will b easy but it's up to you to hold on to what n let go who. 
Love n peace be will all. 
Random 🐝


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